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Almost 2000 years ago and within a short period after Jesus‘s death, the first Christian communities emerged. And they were full of active people. A Christian community is not a theater, where a few professionals entertain the audience. Rather, it is an organism, wherein each member can contribute and has a role to play. In our community, the Berlin Mennonite Church, no one is forced to take part. However, everyone is invited to contribute their CREATIVITY.

Everyone can, no one needs to

We want to give every person the opportunity, to discover their own gifts and give them room to try them out. Each and every person has special abilities and opportunities. When people work together, our differing strengths and weaknesses, which we all have, can complement and balanced each other. God’s Spirit empowers us. The Spirit sends us people, the right people we need for our community, and creates a space where always something new and unforeseen can happen.

„Service creative“

At the Berlin Mennonite Church, we started what we call, “Service creative”. We want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to be involved and to give shape to a church service, even though we have three ordained preachers. "Service creative" is the place where people can share their experiences, bring new ideas to the table, and try out their gifts. Another place, where people can contribute, is the Menno Home, our church building and guesthouse. The church building is like the Church on the whole: it needs lots of care, but offers also many creative possibilities. Everyone is invited to discover themselves, and we, as a church, are excited to see what happens.

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
1 Corinithians 12:7

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